Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Apartment Therpy...

After three long weeks of shuffling around Bordeaux and relying on the generosity of friends, the apartment is finally ready!
My new home is located in the branché neighborhood of Chatron, right behind Le Jardin Public.  We live in a little alleyway down from the park entrance- I foresee quite a lot picnics in the near future!
Our landlord and lady just had the apartment renovated to fix the cracks in the walls and the appliances in the bathroom and W.C.  We arrived to a clean, freshly painted, but completely empty!! Lord and lady Richlewski drove us to the kitchen store and decked us out with all the kitchen equipment we could possibly dream of!  The best new tool is: a scale!

The view down our street.

In addition to all their help getting us settled, taking us to the store, and educating us on the regions wine and culture offerings, the Richlewski's left a surprise in our fridge:  a bottle of champagne and two chilled glass! 
Once we start decorating the apartment with plants and fresh flowers from the market, hopefully it will start to feel like home.