Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I think everyone here is getting a little bit homesick.  I could go on and on about the things that I miss, but I think all of my lamenting about Shannon, and tortilla chips are trumped by everyone elses need for coffee.  
I had stumbled across Breakfast In America on one of my many aimless walks around Paris.  What struck me most about it is the mile long line out the door every weekend.  Who knew bacon and eggs were such hot commodities in France!
Fulfilling that chip fantasy, and trying to make up for missing Ryan's chili creation at the Santa Cruz chili cook-off.
The food wasn't very good which, I suppose, means that Breakfast in America hit the nail on the head.  However, my coffee fanatic companions were just about to walk back into the kitchen and teach the staff how to brew a cup of joe.  Nonetheless, it was an interesting reverse culture experience, and a fun environment.  We've been talking about opening a food cart at the University of Bordeaux for weeks now.  Maybe we should serve breakfast our way!

4, rue Mahler
Paris 75004

Metro: St. Paul