Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Evento Bordeaux...

Every two years, Bordeaux celebrates Evento, a two week long festival of the arts in urban spaces. 
Empty store fronts have been replaced by pop-up galleries and community spaces that provide anything from venues for fine art sculptures or prints, to virtual tours of Istanbul. 
My favorite pop-up shop during Evento was Publication Studio Bordeaux.

Publication Studio Bordeaux was a mixture of almost all my favorite things.  
Inside this tiny studio, writers, editors, bookbinders and publishers worked elbow to elbow, creating books from start to finish.   The concept of Publication Studio was first begun in Portland, where the emphasis was placed on the communal aspect of artisans working in the same space, and the creativity that could be generated in such an environment.  This week in Bordeaux, this idea was taken a step further and given a flair francais.  Publication Studio Bordeaux sold their books on a menu, alongside food!  Patrons and artists alike could have brunch, tapas or drinks while perusing handmade books, or chatting with friends. 
I've touched on this subject before, but there I find nothing more communal than the act sharing a meal.  Finding a place where both my passion for the community of food, and the act of creating communally were joined together was really, really inspiring.  
Someday, when Shannon and I have our studio, there will definitely be a kitchen attached!!!