Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Golden Triangle...

Spending so much time in Madrid really allowed us to sink into the city.  We had time enough to become "regulars", revisiting our favorite spots, making friends with our waiters, discovering secret shows, and partaking regularly in the legendary Spanish siesta.  One of the highlights that this pace afforded us was our daily visits to the museums that make up Madrid's Golden Triangle.  Each morning we chose one single level to explore, saving me from "museum legs", and giving us plenty of time to admire our favorites: the surreal landscapes of Bosch and Bruegel, Goya's black paintings, and endless galleries of Picasso.
And although nothing will ever compare to sheer scale and inspiration of Guernica, the art of Madrid didn't stop at the museum doors.  Here, the colorful streets are covered in more informal art.  Hidden in corners, back alleys and inset doorways, the graffiti art of Madrid extends the famed Golden Triangle throughout the city.